Dictionary: letter H

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hand in [hand something in] (work, essay, assignment, paper, form, homework, application, notice, resignation, petition, keys, money, weapons) give something to someone in charge. give in

hand on 1 [hand something on] (custom, story, clothes, knowledge, responsibility) give something to someone who is younger or who comes later.

2 (photograph, magazine) give or pass something to someone who is next to you hand down, pass on

hand out [hand something out] (leaflets, books, food, newspaper, quiz) give something to a group of people; distribute it. Give out

hand over [hand something over] (money, gun, prisoner, control, power, responsibility) give something to someone else so that they take control

hang about/around the same as hang around

hang on (insep) wait hold on

hang out (insep) spend time somewhere or with a group of people

hang up 1 (phone) finish a phone conversation

2 [hang something up] (picture, coat) put something on a wall or hook

have back 1 [have someone back] have someone return after they've been away.

2 [have something back] (money) get something back

idiom have your own back get your revenge.

have on 1 wear [have something on] (clothes) be wearing something

2 use (radio, TV) use; be using something

3 joke [have someone on] try to make someone believe something that is not true to have a laugh

head back go (insep) go back; return

head off 1 go (insep) go somewhere

2 prevent [head off something] (criticism, disaster, crisis, threat, quarrel, disagreement) prevent something unpleasant from happening fend off, stave off, ward off

hit back [hit back at someone, hit back at something] (insep) (critics, claims, comments) defend yourself against their criticism or attacks

idiom hit it off [hit it off with someone] (insep) meet someone, like them and start having a good relationship with them immediately

hold back 1 control [hold something back] (emotions, anger, frustration, tears, temper, information, evidence, ideas, crowds, enemy) control something or keep it secret. keep back

2 delay (progress, project, development) delay or prevent development.

hold down 1 [hold something down] (job) keep something for a certain period of time

2 (prices, wages) keep something low.

hold on (insep) wait

hold up 1 delay [hold someone up, hold something up] (traffic, bad weather) delay someone or something

2 rob (bank) rob

3 remain strong despite the circumstances

hose down [hose something up] (car, place) clean with water using a hose wash down

hurry up (insep) go faster

hush up [hurry something up] prevent the public from knowing about something. cover up

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